Average Technology Technician Salary in the UK

The average Technology Technician salary is £28,406 , then your net income will be £28,406.00. This means that after tax your monthly take home will be £2,367.17, or £546.27 per week, £109.25 per day, and your hourly rate will be £13.66 if you're working 40 hours/week.

The profession of Technology Technician is known for its diverse range of salary offerings, reflecting the varied experience, skills, and geographic locations of professionals within the field. On average, individuals in this profession can expect to earn around £28,406.00 annually. However, it's important to note that the salary spectrum is broad, with entry-level positions often starting at £27,821.00 and experienced professionals commanding salaries as high as £28,789.00. This wide range of compensation is influenced by factors such as years of experience, educational background, specialized skills, and the specific demands of the job market in different regions. Despite these variations, Technology Technician remains an attractive career path for those seeking competitive salaries and opportunities for professional growth.

Average Technology Technician Salary After Tax Calculation

If your salary is £28,406, then after tax and national insurance your take home net will be £23,971.92. This means that after tax your monthly take home will be £1,997.66, or £461.00 per week, £92.20 per day, and your hourly rate will be £11.52 if you're working 40 hours/week.

Monthly Take Home

  • Monthly Tax


  • Monthly NI


Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly
Gross Income £28,406.00 £2,367.17 £546.27 £109.25 £13.66
Tax £3,167.20 £263.93 £60.91 £12.18 £1.52
NI £1,266.88 £105.57 £24.36 £4.87 £0.61
2024 Take Home £23,971.92 £1,997.66 £461.00 £92.20 £11.52
2023 Take Home £23,338.48 £1,944.87 £448.82 £89.76 £11.22

Annual Gross Income £28,406.00
Annual Gross Salary £28,406.00
Annual Gross Bonus £0.00
Adjusted Net Income £28,406.00
Tax Allowance £12,570.00
Personal Allowance £12,570.00
Total Tax You Pay £4,434.08
Income Tax Total £3,167.20
20% £3,167.20
Employee NI Total £1,266.88
8% £1,266.88
Student Loan £0.00
Total You Keep £23,971.92
Take Home Pay £23,971.92
Pension Plot £0.00
Salary sacrifice £0.00
Auto enrolment £0.00
Gross Personal £0.00
Child Benefits £0.00

Understanding the Salary Landscape

What is the Average Salary?

The average salary for a Technology Technician stands at £28,406.00. This figure represents the midpoint between the lowest and highest salaries within the profession.

Factors Influencing Salary

Several factors contribute to variations in salaries within the Technology Technician field. These may include:

  • Experience: Entry-level positions typically offer lower salaries compared to those requiring more experience and expertise.
  • Location: Salaries can vary significantly based on geographic location, with certain regions offering higher compensation due to cost of living and demand for skilled professionals.
  • Education: Advanced degrees or specialized certifications may command higher salaries within the profession.
  • Industry Sector: Different industries may offer varying salary scales for the same profession, depending on factors such as demand, competition, and economic conditions.